Feature Match
Runde 9: Andre Müller "TrashT" (UR) vs. Kai Budde (WU)
von Nestor "Gams" Rodriguez

Game 1

Herr Müller begins.
Both players keep their hands and the action starts with a goblin brigade on Andres side and a Glory Seeker for Budde. Kai plays a Daru Warchief and attacks with his Seeker. On his turn TrashT uses an Echo Tracer to Bounce Kai's Warchief and atacks with his Team. The following turn Andre swings again and after blocks he manages to destroy all of Kais men with a Scattershot. Kai is at 6 life now due to the quick beats Müller provided. He then thinks about his next move and plays a Noble Templar to stop Trashs army. Andre thinks over his next move and his Mistform Dreamer is destroyed by a Inspirited Wingbeat Warrior on Kai's side. On his next Mainphase Andre has a Mercurial Kite, 2 morphs and kai has his Noble a Wingbeat and a Morph, which turned out as an Echo tracer. Creatures trade and kai decides to play a Rush of Knowledge for six on his turn. Thanks to this card advantage he keeps bringing soldiers and fliers into play for the following turns. Although Kai is low on life he has a Chocking Tethers to tap all 4 Kreatures Trash controls and swings for the win on his next Turn.


Game 2

Herr Müller starts again.
Both players keep again and on their second turns Trash summons a Wall of Deceit and Kai plays a Glory seeker. The following turns avarax and a morph comes on Andres side and kai casts a Daru warchief and a Gustcloak Harrier. Andre keeps playing Morphs but Kai has a Windborn Muse and a few Soldiers that don't allow TrashT's non fliers to deal any damage. Budde keeps attacking with his fliers, and Andre, unable to stop the Harrier and the Muse scoops up his cards.


Kai wins.